Posterous dies on 4/30/2013 so I've moved all my content and switched to Blogger.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Apple iPhone loophole could share photos with developers - The Washington Post

iPhone sexters beware!

Are all years that are divisible by four Leap Years?


Some exceptions to this rule are required since the duration of a solar year is slightly less than 365.25 days. Years that are evenly divisible by 100 are not leap years, unless they are also evenly divisible by 400, in which case they are leap years. For example, 1600 and 2000 were leap years, but 1700, 1800 and 1900 were not. Similarly, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2900 and 3000 will not be leap years, but 2400 and 2800 will be. Therefore, in a duration of two millennia, there will be 485 leap years. By this rule, the average number of days per year will be 365 + 1/4 − 1/100 + 1/400 = 365.2425, which is 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes, and 12 seconds. The Gregorian calendar was designed to keep the vernal equinoxon or close to March 21, so that the date of Easter (celebrated on the Sunday after the 14th day of the Moon—i.e. a full moon—that falls on or after March 21) remains correct with respect to the vernal equinox. The vernal equinox year is about 365.242374 days long (and increasing). 

The marginal difference of 0.000125 days between the Gregorian calendar average year and the actual year means that, in 8,000 years, the calendar will be about one day behind where it is now. But in 8,000 years, the length of the vernal equinox year will have changed by an amount that cannot be accurately predicted. Therefore, the current Gregorian calendar suffices for practical purposes, and the correction suggested by John Herschel of making 4000 a non-leap year will probably not be necessary. 

A gesture for my new Apple Magic Trackpad


Windows 8 Consumer Preview First Impressions


Windows 8 Beta


Get it?

Happy 29er Day


Girl Power


That's a bright bulb!

Happy Leap Year Day

Silly extra 1/4 day.  Anyway here's a joke...

So I'm at this job interview and the interviewer asks me, "Estimate the number of days in a year that you get drunk."
I think for a couple of seconds and then begin to get visibly angry. I say to the interviewer, "That's a trick question."
"Please just answer the question, sir," he firmly states.
So I answer, "It depends on whether we're talking about a regular year or a leap year."


Clockwork Orangeish

The bill also requires that the women's eyes be held open and their hands tied down.



Monday, February 27, 2012

Anybody Else Burning Out on the Home Trails?

PVSP = Patapsco Valley's So Prosaic

I need a leave-before-dawn-back-before lunch road trip.  Rocky Ridge in York, PA is about 75 min away.  I've ridden there a dozen times and it's impossible to get lost.  Terrain is like Fredrock but SS friendlier.

Half day AM off work anyone?

Reviews and map...

2012 RR gps trailmap.pdf
Download this file

This file is Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License. YAMBA would like to thank Will Weismantel for providing the GPS tracks, and Charles Smith for designing the layout.  See



Sleepless in Patapsco

Pillow magnetic forces were strong this morning, but not as strong as the fear of letting down XX at the trail head.

30 degrees on the old Oregon Scientific when I hit start on the 'Droid's Garmin Fit and wheeled off to the rendezvous.  XX had pulled a 3+ hour 28+ miler tour de force yesterday so he voted mellow.  I had been  Shameless-ly powerstreaming til 2:40AM so I was down with a zombie style mellow ride too.


Saw a light shining toward us on Renegade so we headed that way.  At the lawn mower log we crossed paths with CBC's bro and kept a'rolling separate ways.  Nacho rolled into new Boardwalk and I was surprised that the newly cut trail has fared nicely enough with the frost heave.  Cleaned the stumpy bridge strong today;-)  

Rolled Rockburn Branch ^v^ and linked up with Jay who joined our mellow train.  I was maestro-ing and decided to head in the regular general direction.   But whenever opportunity arose, I mixed things up a bit with paths less traveled.  Headed straight up Morning Choice and thru both Belmont Fields (bros before does, bucks!).  Rolled right on Old Connector and hit 2 U-turn switchbacks to come in a little higher on Ridge.  Exit Jay down the doubletrack to the bathrooms/Swinging Bridge.

Up Cascade.  Grazed my booboo pinky off a tree between the wooden bridges, yeeeeouch!


Finshed Cascade with a curly Q around Morning Choice near Grovemont.  Lewis and Clark led past Old Track to the Morning Bamboo-less Choice.  Opted not for Log (XX groaned zombie-style) and stayed on Morning Choice.

Returned at the regular time to see Elisabeth off with a kiss-and-ride at the bus stop.  Ice had defrosted form the beard but was still all over cranks, frame, and rims when I hosed off the monkey at the finish line.

Great conditions for mellow zombies;-)

I love emptying the hot water heater after a cold morning mountain bike ride

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Saturday Windy Dusk Ride

Forgot to start the GPS so no map evidence.

Me and YDT drove from my place to the usual Landing spot at...


...just as Jen returned from her windy road ride.

We started it out with Nacho.  Paul P. was off in the distance and we started to chase.  Something possessed my left hand and pulled it from the grip right on one of logs between the stump-bridge and the open-legs-tree on Nacho.  I pulled a beautiful...

Media_httpwwwsimpsons_ekgxy the front, and then 30.5 pounds of Surly steel landed square on top of me.  

I managed to pull free of the carnage and Dave and I proceeded on.  New boardwalk (YDT performed a flank dismount into the pig-sty-mud, d'oh).  I attributed my crash to improper grip installation so we stopped for station identification and a tool assisted Ergon grip twist on my part.  RBB up left-down middle-up right>Ridge>VV Alt>Ridge>Swinging Bridge>Lower Falls route up Cascade (enter Paul P at the Rock Garden and exit at Grovemont)>Lewis and Clark>Log

Finished before we needed to fire up our handlebar lights (that we mounted just in case).

Good timez and good conditions;-)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Ergon Grips Reviewed: First Impressions


Mounted a set of these Ergon GP1 SE Grips last night and hit the trails with them for a 60 minute solo ride this afternoon.  I've prepared a list of Ergon FAQ for anyone considering trying them out.

  • Q: Do they look cool?
    A: No

  • Q: Is the package they come in nice?
    A: Too nice.  It's a pain to free the grips from the packaging.  You must destroy the packaging to get the grips out which could make returns troublesome.

  • Q: Are they expensive?
    A: Yes, but not much more expensive than my usual ODI Lock-Ons

  • Q: Do they mount easily?
    A: Yes.  A 4mm hex key is all you need.  4mm is nice because you can get plenty of leverage without stripping the hex interface out or breaking your allen key.  But 4mm is risky because you could easily strip out whatever that bolt is threading into with all the leverage you have.

  • Q: Does the fact that they only lock on the handlebar on one side of the grip concern me?
    A: Yes, I wish they had lock on bolts on both sides of the grip.

  • Q: Do they feel good when grabbed for the first time?
    A: They feel awesome.  I chose to ride them with unpadded gloves because these suckers inherently pad your palms.

  • Q: Do they feel good whilst riding?
    A: Yes.  They feel great!  You don't even have to wrap your fingers around the bar to ride along.  Just resting your plams on the ergo-wings is enough to get by if you're not in the rough.

  • Q: Are they good for broken pinkies?
    A: Yes, just what the doctor ordered.  Relatively no pain on today's ride.

  • Q: Are they good for climbing?
    A: Not as good as fresh legs.  But yes, they are fine for climbing.

  • Q: Are they good for extra credit log bashing?
    A: They seemed fine.

  • Q: Do they feel safe when you're flying down a stutter bumpy big ring descent?
    A: Not particularly.  They are a little flexy when you're roosting about.  But on the other hand, some people would call this damping and that's good:-)

  • Q: Did they come loose or spin while riding?
    A: Not yet.  They held fast.  Waiting to see how they hold when soaked with rain or creek water.  How about crahes? 

  • Q: Do I like them?
    A: I am surprised to say that I really like them.  It's ironic that I needed a broken pinky to motivate me into buying these grips.

  • Q: Will these be the go-to grips for every future endurance race?
    A: Yes, I believe so.  They feel like they would combat fatigue very well.

  • Q: Was it really 55 degrees today?
    A: Yup, shorts and a tee shirt, you?

  • Q: Is it really gonna be 50 degrees at 6 am tomorrow?
    A: That's what the weather guyz are sayin'!!!

  • Q: Am I secure enough with my heterosexuality to leave these grips on the Monkey after my booboo pinky heals?
    A: Maybe?!?!

Spring Fever Solo Ride

Slow day at work and beautiful day not at work, so I took a half day
PM.  Spent a few hours wrenching with Joe in the shed and mounted
Jen's new sexy carbon brifters, while Jen and YDT hit the trails.

After that I got in a late afternoon solo ride.  Uber-mellow pace.
Just me and the Monkey and my new Ergon grips.  Ergon grips, I
theorized, are spoda be good for busted pinky rides.

Put in on Boardwalk--didn't clean the stumpy bridge, it's too hard to
clean without an audience.  Forgot to start the GPS til the end of
Nacho.  Morning Choice>Old Track>Connector>Vallley View Alt>Ridge (ran
into AFC Justin and his GF, Shannon)>Rockburn Branch.

The trails could only have been better if they were skinnier
singletrack.  Conditions are truly up there with best ever.

Jen Has Sexy New Brifters


And 10 speed rear too:-)

No Angel Report

Angel parents ate every last fry.  They said something about it not being fair to bring up youngsters in this crazy, f#$%ed-up, 30-gallon world and gobbled 'em all up.

"Now I know why tigers eat their young."

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Good News for Jen's New 10 speed Forte Shifters

Picked up some Forte Carbon 10 speed brifters (they get great reviews and look cool as s#1t) for Jen today along with an 11-28 10 speed cassette and chain.  


I was confident that her 1999 Shimano 105 Rear Derailleur would be compatible, but felt better when I found that Sheldon says so too!

From we look compatible.

Other 6 speed Shifter 6 speed Any 1997 or later Shimano Rear Derailer
Any S.I.S. Rear Derailer
Except pre-1997 Dura-Ace
and Dyna-Sys series
Other 7 speed Shifter 7 speed
Other 8 speed Shifter 8 speed
Any 9 speed Shifter 9 speed
Any 10 speed Shifter
except Dyna-Sys
10 speed

And I remembered this nifty trick too. Looks like I could have thrown a 9 speed cassette and chain on there with 10 speed shifters?!?!?!?!


Standard Cable Routing (A)



Alternate Cable Routing (B)

This alternate cable routing will also let you use a 10-speed shifter with a 9-speed cassette. This provides a convenient upgrade path.

Doctor Recommended


Spin Doctor examined my hand today. He said to take two of these and ride in the morning.

He also advised that I should stop going over the bars.

Ashur Wednesday


My New Twitter Alias


I also considered:

  • Private Directory
  • General Tab
  • Major Geeks
  • Captain Captcha

Busted Pinky Ride


Met KC and XX at the usual sport. JFat slept in;-( Hit it counter
clockwise. Nacho>Rockburn Branch threepeats>Ridge>VV Alt>enter Mike
from the Sunday DC/Crofton Crew>Cascade>Lewis & Clark>Old Track>Log.
I hit about half of the extra credits and managed not too fall on my
booboo hand;-) It hurt like hell on the stuttery bumps on the
downhill from the bamboo forest to Log trail. Black and blue is
spreading across palm now.
Krazy Karl was throwing the hammer down out there. Me and XX were
mellow. Conditions were horribly good.

Farm Out


Triple Boot Without GRUB


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