Posterous dies on 4/30/2013 so I've moved all my content and switched to Blogger.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Breaking news...Just in

Maryland admits that everybody could have gone to school and work on Monday and Tuesday, but still decides to declare a Statewide State of Fuckit and take off the rest of the week too.

Cascade Hike

Pretty clear from landing to swinging bridge. Cascade alternative has got a huge tree down though.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

I'm ready for candlelight


PRE Sandy Ride With Kids

Me and the oldest 3. Hit log and old track and such.

Bamboo forest and Black Squirrel included.

PRE Sandy Ride With Kids

Me and the oldest 3. Hit log and old track and such.

Bamboo forest and Black Squirrel included.

PRE Sandy Ride With Kids

Me and the oldest 3. Hit log and old track and such.

Really? Already? Still no rain nor wind at my house. Gonna take the family for a bike ride.


Howard County Public Schools, posted at: Oct 28 12:09PM

HCPSS schools are closed 10-29-12. All school- & community-sponsored activities, including HS athletic practices and games are canceled.

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Here's How I'm Feeling About this Hurricane Sandy Nonsense....

I can see the work bench again :-)


No more clutter

Friday, October 26, 2012

True dat


DP Double Feature

Thursday and Friday DP's.  Gotta get it while you can before the weekend storms.  Rode both of these with the thumbie dialed to friction mode.  Index shifting has been poor as of late so I retroed it out, yo!

Me, XX, and Paul on Thursday.  It was leafy!

Friday brought KC, CBC, Seibold, XX, Todd, Paul, and me to the dirt.  It was leafier.  Folks let me lead cuz KC had to back at Landing by 7.  Skipped the usual Ridge Bar so hit the Boulder Bar instead.  Mixed up the usual CCW loop by bee-lining back to Landing via Connector.  Then mashed it up by lollipping Rockburn Branch loop with some nachos and farm field action.  Pace was a true ZMC.  Seibold cleaned the waist high log by Rockburn Branch (henceforth to be called Kong's Dong--KC came up with that moniker) in BOTH directions.  I one touch dabbed it both ways....a little dab'll do ya.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Stellaluna DP

50 degrees on the Oregon Scientific this morning.  Donned the Esther-style-kneesocks, a skull cap, and two layers up top.  Started overheating on Monty I-95 overpass.  Shed the cap and teeshirt at Landing and rode in comfort;-)  Best time of year and super condtions out there.

Nice big group out there rolling in the dark.  XX, Paul, Baler, Lazy (I mean, Krazy) Carl, W, CBC, and me.  XX rode the Pole Postion on his fixie pace car for most of the clockwise loop.  Nothing usual expect for a few fading MagicShine batteries (mine included).  Good thing I have Stellaluna eyes.


Little to no talk of Pharmstrong was heard.  Cleaned the Big Beech on Cascade with Paul in tow.  Dabbed the Rockburn Branch waist-high-timber;-(

Monday, October 22, 2012

What will Lance do now?

Perhaps he'll follow the footsteps John Wayne Bobbitt and do pornos.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Got him


--Sent from a device that frequently changes words around as I type.--

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lindsay Lohann, Scott Weiland, and Robert Downey, Jr. reach out to Armstrong

"We're not mad. We're just disappointed. It's going to take some time before we can trust you again."

--Sent from a device that frequently changes words around as I type.--

Clinton reaches out to Armstrong...

Just maintain that you didn't inhale while you weren't having sexual relations with that woman while you weren't juicing the postal team for a decade.  Ride it out, son.

--Sent from a device that frequently changes words around as I type.--

I'm so glad that nobody in America considers this news

Gotta go to BBC for this to be front page news. There's so many other things that we should not care about competing with this headline. What to do if Lance has been hiding something all along? Shocking! Jeesh.

In Armstrong's defense

All the cool kids were doing it.  I tried it once and i didn't even like it.

My problem:  But i told every body else to try it and now I'm screwed (but so did all the big fat cats all the way at the top of the money trail and they'll be in the headlines next..ever watch The Wire?)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Was considering voting Republican, but...

Can't bring myself to vote for a candidate whose name sounds like a girl scout cookie.

“Sure, I'll take 2 Tagalongs, 3 DosiDoes, and 4 of those MittRomneys."

Just can't do it.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Lubed Snoop Loop

Me and Todd and CBC took snoop for a run.

Perfect leg warmer weather out there.  Fast and dry.

My headlamp burned out on Ridge.  Luckily, Todd had a spare MagicShine bat'ry in his pack, thank you very much.

Clockwise was the direction.  There's a couple of new trees down out there...a big double on the Rugburn Branch downhill.

Didn't see my buddy, the black squirrel, today.  maybe Snoop scared him off.


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Pirate Bay is Back Online Despite Rumors | Geekosystem

As we previously reported, The Pirate Bay was down from a power failure due to an issue with a power distribution unit. Much like it sounds, the power distribution unit distributes power, and is a pretty necessary component. After almost 48 hours, The Pirate Bay is now back up and operating as normal. The reason why it was down for so long is actually kind of complicated.

See, the people currently behind the hive of online piracy don’t just trust anyone with their servers. They prefer to do any necessary work themselves, which means they had to replace the unit themselves rather than relying on the usual hosting facility services. If you had a site that several governments and corporations wanted gone, you’d probably be a bit hesitant to rely on random employees of other companies too.

Of course, whenever The Pirate Bay goes down there’s a plethora of speculation as to why. The obviously most popular reason given is that someone’s finally managed to bust them. After the recent high-profile bust of Demonoid, it’s hard to hold it against these conspiracy theorists. It very well could have been something similar, but they dodged the bullet this time.

For the time being, The Pirate Bay will continue to operate in spite of legal maneuvers and other shenanigans. In some ways, it’s kind of impressive that they’ve maintained for so long with the spotlight being on them. The site might not always be around, but it’s certainly fighting the good fight for the time being.

(via TorrentFreak)

Relevant to your interests


Monday, October 1, 2012

Mon DP - Robert Plant sighting

Big Un.mp4 Watch on Posterous

Big Log that is...

Me and XX and Bales mellowed thru moistness on a sultry CW loop.