Perfect freakin' weather out there. Trails in great shape and temps in the 60's. Baler and Betsy sightings at Landing by RockBurn and then at Landing by Grovemont.
Three of us on geared bikes. KR testing newish wheels, W on his
Franken 69 BMC, me on the Fisti with new tires 700X45 front and 700X38 rear.
6 at Landing. Took regular Morning Choice (not Log) for a change>Lewis and Clark (brief stop for
trail-side-channel-lock-derailleur-hanger-bend-back on W's rig)
>Cascade(but with a slight diversion up the hill Morning Choice and
then left back down the roots to Cascade)>roots and rockgarden cleaned
on fisti, but that was the end of my graceful riding>Dump Your
Girlfriend-steep eroded trail to bathrooms>Ridge(I went over the
handlebars in mini rock garden #2 in Baler bypass, then didn't clean
the rocks after the next creek crossing;-( )>Connector>Morning Choice
thru field and down to 4 way (pointed out what me and EJ call the
Dinosaur Trail to KR and W...just when you re-enter the woods from the
field there's all those saplings with the giant leaves!)>Rockburn
Branch right>Belmont Woods (once again I went ass over tea kettle when
I was too lazy to stop pedaling on my way over a log and foot strike
led to a superman over the bars...KR right on my tail seemed impressed
with my Buzz Lightyear falling with style flight;-)>Farm Field to
Landing and bade each other goodbye>U turn thru Farm Field back home
for me.