Rolled up on W, KR, and JL at Landing at 6:22. Saw TM and JMc's
vehicles at the trail head. I guess everyone was having off list
rides today;-)
Steep to bathrooms>SwingingBridge>Gristmill>Buzzards backwards(hike up
steps---ugh!)>Charcoal burns backwards too>Santee Branch backwards sux
three>CCBC (I got a flat and changed by the tennis courts--enter the
Padam/AFC Z3 team riderz)>I broke away from the big group and went
down Santee Nun's--big tree down right in trail just past powerline,
cleaned the triple log and the streambed;-)>Gristmill>Swimming
Prohibited>Waterbars (nearly cleaned it but slipped on roots at
top)>enter fast group at 4 way--they'd taken Vineyard/Ridge and made
the same time as me>Rockburn Branch fast center. Trails are super fast and fun. Weather couldn't be better.
great seeing you out there today BB!