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Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day Ride

Me, W, Fran, and Jonathan met at Landing at 7 with perfect weather and the intention of riding HoCO and BaltCo.



Rockburn Brach up the right>


Valley View>

Swimming Prohibited>

Soapstone to Park and Ride>By down the overgrown trail that heads closer to Gun Road (ouchy jaggers everywhere)>

up gravel Cardiac Soapstone>right on the less travelled Santee Branch (also overgrown and jaggery-hike a bike thru a steep deep ravine

after the ravine there's a jaggery sidehill trail that I was doing a pretty good job of cleaning until I fell off and landed in a contorted-bike-on-top-of-me-full-split into a bed of jaggers--Doh!)>

made a left at the end of this trail up Heartbreak(?)--the one that we come down to do the Bull Run loop>

Vineyard Hiking Only alternate (I was out front with Jonathan on my wheel and realized when things got steep and loose that I had both brake levers pressed all the way to the bar and had no more brake power..I held on and rode the bottom section out way faster than I would have liked somhow managing to keep from wrecking.  Fran crashed and hurt his wrist so he and W rode out on Gristmill to Bonnie Branch.  Jonathan and I pressed on.)>

Up Vineyard>down Nuns Run Triple Log>over the swinging bridge>Ridge>Connector>Old Track>Lewis and Clark>Norris Lane>Morning Choice (cascade direction)>Lewis and Clark>Morning Choice>Log

'Bout an 18 miler, yo!

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