Got to the meet earlier than usual, 5:30, to meet up with Carl. First ride on the Surly after switching the fixie wheel back to freewheel. Rear tire felt a little to squishy on the road but I didn't think much of it.
Rode a little Log>Old Track>Morning Track loop back to Landing: me Magic Shining with the new battery and Carl using the force behind me.Met CBC at 6 and rolled for what was going to be a CCW HoCo loop. At the end of Nacho my rear went flat. I changed it. Then on ridge I cased the rear hard trying to pick a different line than usual on the approach to the newish log down by the dip thru little creek. Pinch flat #2 = UGH! Changed it and CBC and Carl continued on to Cascade. I figured I'd better head straight home so I rode back on Ridge and just before the CBC Roller Section I flatted for a third time. Not sure what the deal was this time...suspect debris in tire or a slow leak turned fast?!?!?! Walked it out to Belmont Woods road where Jen was waiting to save me in the MiniMinivan. She had her running kit on and went into the woods as I drove home.After flat # 3 I ran into Danny A. gearing up for Wilderness 101 tomorrow and chatted with a SS dude named Rocko that I've run past a few time lately in the dawny hours. Each of them offered a tube, but I declined as the last thing I wanted to do was change the tire for a third time. At this point I felt more like pulling a Karate Kid.... [youtube]
On a more positive note, the hike out gave me a chance to appreciate the morning nature from a different perspective;-)
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