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Monday, December 27, 2010

Man and Wife Boxing Day Ride


With Nana in town for the holidaze, Jen and I got the rare opportunity
to ride together. We saddled up in our single speeds and hit a
clockwise loop. Trails had a nice dusting in most places and were
windblown clean in others. Mostly still frozen trails except for a
few muddy patches that had full sun. Twas windy out there too, but
not too scary.

Nacho>Rengade>Log>Lewis & Clark>Cascade>Ridge (nice tail wind on the
hard switchbacks)>Valley View Alternate (freshies!!!)>Ridge>Rockburn
Branch v^v>Belmont Woods

Upon our return I noticed the dinged rim, ripped sidewall, and
bubbling tube on the rear wheel;-( Rim is an easy fix but the tire
looks unrepairable. Too bad! It had lots of tread left.

1 comment:

  1. How about a car tire patch kit for the tire side-wall? Used one on a tire where a rock tried to rip a knob off...sealed up nice and is still in service!!!
