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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Morning After Ride

It was hard getting up at 7:15 the morning after the big AFC party but
it was definitely worth it. Met up with W, YDT, Ebae, and Krash at
Belmont Woods Road. Rockbrun Branch up right>VV>Swimming
Prohibitted>Exit Krash on Gristmill>Vineyard>Santee Nun's (cleaned the

Watch on Posterous

triple on camera today and then got squirrelly and crashed right in
front of Ebae on the rocky downhill's nice to have the
winter gear to help cushion the blow of a fall)>exit W and YDT at Gristmill>me and Ebae finished up with Cascade


(frozen falls..Ebae cleaned the giant roots by the rock face)>Lewis and Clark>Old Track>Morning Choice (toward Connector)>Morning Choice (to 4 way)>Rockburn Branch v^v (Baler sighting on Fargo). Lots of ice breaking in creek crossings going on.


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