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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Get your last Bakers Dozen in 2012 and Hot, Snot, and LightCycle Events are Cancelled;-(


I feel that we should still just ride amongst the cows.  That would make it more challenging.  Camping with cows would be fun too.

Received this via email from the race's promoter:

Hello Racers,

Some of you may have already heard that the remaining scheduled races on Rockland Farm have been cancelled. It is with great sadness that we are sending this email to confirm this information and to inform those of you that may not have heard the news. We also wanted to let you know the details of the situation as it stands currently.

Basically, we (Go Time Racing and Plum Grove Cyclery) found out Thursday night that the owners of Rockland Farm and the lessee's feel that the increased load of these events place too many demands on the farmers, residents and landowners. Basically, the cattle offer more revenue than our events. The land owners and cattle ranchers will be increasing head count on the farm, more head equals more revenue. It is a completely understandable business decision. Unfortunately for us, this means their needing increased access to the pastures.

Two of the most important things to know at this point are:

1 - There is no ill will between Go Time Racing, Plum Grove Cyclery, Rockland Farm, and/or the cattle ranchers. The simple fact is that this is an active, private farm and they have to operate in the most economically responsible manner possible. There have never been any issues with trash, behavior, property or land damage, or anything else. We have always known this was a possibility, we just did not expect such a sudden change of affairs.

2 -
The 2012 Leesburg Baker’s Dozen is still a 100% go. PGC and GTR made an appeal and have been told we will still be able to continue the Bakers Dozen race series. I personally asked that this be confirmed, multiple times, before I wrote this, so I am 100% confident this will happen. We are very happy to be continuing this tradition, as this is/was our first race and the one that still means the most to all of us. We plan on making it even more special than ever before!

Go Time Racing, with Plum Grove’s assistance, is currently exploring alternate venues for future races outside of Rockland Farm. Go time Racing was already in the process of exploring other potential venues and race opportunities, which we were hoping to put into place for next seasons calendar. We will be using the time and efforts once dedicated to these upcoming events to accelerate our future plans, potentially with other events occurring later this year.  

Plum Grove and Go Time have made the decision to continue to maintain, and possibly improve the trails on Rockland in anticipation of next year’s Bakers dozen, and any other possible events – most likely an occasional group ride or similar, as the farmers schedule permits. 

We have really, REALLY, enjoyed all these past events, even when Mother Nature didn’t necessarily cooperate. Because of you, our friends and racers, and your wonderful attitude and sense of adventure (think 24 inches snow!), we have thoroughly enjoyed the last few years and look forward to seeing you at more events in the future. We are truly sorry for any inconvenience these sudden changes may cause. 

---The Go Time Racing & Plum Grove Cyclery crew---

1 comment:

  1. Great event, I am sure it will be just a fun some where else...Is there a date set for the 2012 BD?
