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Friday, June 24, 2011

Schweddy Friday Quickie

Met up with W and Carl at 5:58 at Landing.  YDT rolled in at 6:01 and we got rolling after he added some air.  W proceeded to crash on the skinny 10 seconds into the ride.  Bonked his booboo shoulder too.  This was supposed to be the 2 Mikes ride:  West, and Wazowski.  Unfortunately, only Mike Wazowski continued on.  Heal fast, W!


Quick hour loop of Log>Old Track>Connector>ridge>Rockburn Branch v^v>Nacho>Renegade
Carl split off at Belmont woods to stay on schedule and missed my ass over tea kettle wreck on the sawed stump bridge on Renegade.  Mike Wazowski took a face plant and I did what felt like a dolphin dive (remember breakdancing?) with bike landing on my back and didn't even come unclipped.  Got a wee shiner on the right knee too.


It was really Schweddy out there, NPR fans;-)

1 comment:

  1. Great post BB...great ride...looking forward to more...
