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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

DP with Multiple Partners

YDT couldn't join us by Dr.'s orders.  One more week, hopefully.  Don't worry, YDT, I'm having occasional DPs with other partners, but these encounters are meaningless.  I'm still waiting for you;-)

First ride on the Surly 1X1 since Baker's.  Met XX and W at Landing around 5:45.  Baler was running late so we called him and told him we'd meet him on Nacho.  Renegade and Nacho both had some logs removed.  I went down on a crash into a log on Nacho and broke my left brake lever.  I switched the brake cables around so I'd have use of the front brake with right hand and rode with one brake for the rest of the ride.  On the way up Rockburn Branch I noticed that my front skewer had come loose...thank goodness for the lawyer locks on the fork or I coulda had a nasty fall.

Rockburn Branch^v^>Ridge>Valley View alternate>Ridge (4 of us sped up the hill to Cascade by a dude on an old Rocky Mt who yielded to us...I imagine that he thought us pretty fast)>Cascade (tree cleared out by root section;-)>Cascade alternate to 4 way at top of hill>back down to Cascade>Lewis and Clark>Log (exit W and XX)>Belmont>home


Overall, XX coined the ride zippy-dippy-casual.

On Rowanberry Drive I stopped to take a photo of a fine looking family of Canada Geese.

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