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Saturday, March 26, 2011

This Editorial Hit the Nail on the Head;-)



County officials should, of course, make sure that putting a mountain biking skills course in Rockburn Branch Park won't damage the environment. It shouldn't be that difficult.

Other concerns expressed by opponents of the idea don't hold water.

Some of the park's neighbors turned up at a meeting of the Recreation and Parks Advisory Board last week to argue against the course, which a group of cycling enthusiasts wants to install on an acre of parkland. Residents said they already have a problem with the traffic the park generates and that they fear the course would draw even more vehicles.

Taxpayers, though, ought to be happy to see people putting the park to use, getting maximum return out of the county's investment in it. If there are traffic issues, that's a problem for roads officials and perhaps, police. In any event, it's more likely that whatever traffic headaches occur are the result of large-scale team-sports events than of bicycle enthusiasts converging on the park.

Likewise, if -- as one resident told the board -- the park draws illegal drug activity after dark, that's a law-enforcement issue. And to claim that the bike course would make an attractive nuisance more attractive to troublemakers strains credulity.

At no cost to the county, the bike group would create a venue where they and others can get out in the fresh air and get some exercise, something too few of us do on a regular basis. The opponents have not given a valid reason to block this project.

County parks are not simply a backdrop to enhance neighboring property values. They are meant to be used by all of the county's citizens (and visitors, too).

We must not let a few complaints stand in the way of a good idea.

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